Saturday 23 November 2013

Last Spring in Our Steps walk - If the weather's OK

The last walk was a washout, which is a pity because Janelle would have joined us. Instead, Peter - who was to lead us through Long Forest, the southernmost stand of mallee eucalypt in Australia and right next door to Bacchus Marsh - and I solved the world's problems in a room warmed by a wood fire. It was a dynamic conversation, Peter, so thank you.

Peter and his wife, Natasha, have built themselves a straw bale home in Merrimu, a locality in the east of Moorabool Shire. Check out

Today the rain has belted onto and briefly flooded our usually well-drained block. However, according to the weather gurus on TV, tomorrow will be fine in the afternoon. Our walk is in Ballan.

Monday 14 October 2013

Spring in our Steps Day #4

Once again, a refreshing and companionable day. Despite the squally drizzle, the paths were easy underfoot, layered with strings of bark and years of leaf fall. Evidence of small scale mining - the piles of debris, and gouges in the land, the tunnels, and photos of bygone days on the information panels - had me thinking how desperate people must have been, to tackle these steep slopes and fell the timber, all to scrounge in the dirt for something of value. 

For us, the value was all around us. A beautiful piece of forest, only just beginning to age enough to seem eternal.

Saturday 5 October 2013

Spring in Our Steps Day 3

I am creating pages to showcase the writings which people want to share. Please check the links.

After our last walk around Lal Lal Falls area, we adjourned to Yuulong Lavender Farm for coffee and lavender biscuits, and to share our writings. During the walk, Tyler Russell had encouraged us to read out what we were writing as we went.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Spring in Our Steps Day 2

Another divinely orchestrated Spring day, weather-wise. Bunchy cumulus clouds sailing across an otherwise blue sky, a skin-drenching warm sun ...

Myron opened our eyes to the creative possibilities of haiku and senryu; we didn't have to walk far to find inspiration. It was also fun.

At Vance Moon picnic ground, Bacchus Marsh

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Spring in Our Steps Day 1

The first thing to say is that Sunday 1st September was a gorgeous Spring day. A lot of people thought so and chose Mackenzies Flat for a picnic; there were kids, dogs, backpackers, people, everywhere.
One of our number chose to stay at the rotunda, and all her "small stones" were about the activity around her.
"Small stones" was the focus: short grabs of impressions. Another of our group just could not help making her small stones rhyme: what a talent!
Here are some of our creations ...

Between big stepping stones
Water makes a twinkling sound.
Christina listens as one composer to another.

Native grass green and bright
And frogs croaking with delight

Networks of blackened branches
Outlined against the sun
Prolonging their life of beauty

Beside the creek, the path
winds unending, trodden by lost generations
of walkers, whose voices
linger on in the rustle of the trees

Ants scattering around
Finding their way back underground

The ant tugs, grimly,
at a scrap of bread
-  no feast for it, either!

The funereal ants
Pick up the bodies
Of those we squashed.

1.    Warm air slides across my body
Ironing out the wrinkles of winter.

1.    Folding chairs are dusted off and
Stretch in the warm air.  

1.    Pink hats, pink shoes,
Pink shirts, pink tights
Girls are paying football
Together in the park
Until the boys take over.


Jennie, Anne, Lesley, Lyn, Roger, Christina, Wyrda